Saturday, February 18, 2017

Getting the best gear for your stoma

When you find yourself with a stoma it gets hard to see what is going to work and what won't.  That is because Ostomy gear and supplies are a huge market.  I find that there are lots of companies out there and that they are all safe to use.  The safety side of what worries me the most is the possibility that I may not be able to actually get them.  This is something I would have never thought of until the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic happened.  It has fundamentally changed the United States Economy and with all the shutdowns and riots going on the ability for our supply chain to be as it was is gone.  It sounds crazy and a bit overdone, but in the United States, some cities and states had major issues with getting medical supplies.  It is very understated, but the online talk with friends across the country has given real updates on the lack of supplies in 2021. 

A lot of people know the economy is crashing and want to be safe.  So they are getting more gear. What is not shown on Tv is that many big box stores with pharmacies in them were burned down.  Also, most of the local pharmacies in the corner of the streets were burned as well.  This was all coupled with delivery trucks that would not go into those cities due to the chaos.  Put this all together and you end up with a city that has lost its supply chain.  These were not small cities but major metropolitan areas and the reality is that people who did not deserve any of this suffered.  So what happens if this occurs again?  Most people are hoarding gear now and that is just the truth of it.

We see it is an important thing to have because we saw those without gear and it was not great. Normally, I don't think that it is necessary to have prepping gear or lots of extra supplies because the United States is an incredible place to live and we are normally running very smoothly as an economy.  But with State Shutdowns that have all been different across the country the reality is that times have changed.  It is now not an impossibility to go with a regular supply of normal products. When it comes to your ostomy gear it is something you need to survive healthily.  Make sure you have the fresh and clean gear to use.  Don't get caught without it.  

It is no joke anymore to be prepared.  The Government will not help you.  What this means is that if you are able to, you should prepare for another lockdown or supply chain breakage in 2021.  Our country is trying to manufacture locally on the medical gear, but that will take years to move into a real viable option.  So when you are ordering your gear online, try and get some extra supplies.  Or if you are able to pay out of pocket to get a few extra months' supplies, do it.  It may take time because it is costly and supply is still a bit limited.  So work slowly but diligently and get that psychological barrier of fear eliminated from your life.  Just have enough and don't expect anyone else to help.